4 Reasons Why It can be Hard to Write and Publish your Work on The Internet
The rules have all changed. Social media is no longer an option. With more than two thirds of the world’s population owning a mobile phone and more than half the world uses social media, it’s a way of life for the majority of the population. It’s smart business sense to have a strong online presence.
So where does that leave the generation of business owners like me who haven’t grown up with social media? How do you get started writing blogs and articles without stressing?
It’s hard to get over the internal resistance to getting that first blog or article written and this is what I believe can get in the way.
1 What On Earth Do I Write About?
How do you know what’s topical unless you spend hours scouring social media? What are people interested in reading about? Where do you start?
You have a life time of valuable knowledge and experience. You are the go-to person for a whole range of different reasons. What do people ask you about? Where is your particular line of expertise? What can you share with the World?
If nothing is coming to you, have a walk in the countryside and ask yourself those questions. Sit in quiet meditation or have a shower and ask for inspiration to come. Trust that a title will come to you. Just write from the heart and be authentic. Write what’s alive in you now and just get typing. The world needs your unique message.
Welcome to my blog
Are you nervous about writing a blog or article?
Maybe this article will help you ?
Web feed
2 Once It’s Out There, It’s Out There.
The fear of getting it “wrong” or writing something we may regret is enough to stop so many people starting in the first place.
So long as you write sensitively and don’t insult or offend individuals, organisations and religions you should be just fine. If you have any doubts about whether you should publish your article or blog, take a breather. Wait a day or two before coming back to it. Ask the opinion of someone else you respect. If in doubt don’t publish.
If you are proud of your work, and you are making a valuable contribution, getting your information out there is good thing. Your message may reach people you have no other way of reaching and it may change lives for the better. It really doesn’t serve us to play small any more.
3 Fear of Judgement
What if people think I’m foolish or strongly disagree with what I’ve written? What if comments are posted afterwards that are upsetting to me and knock my confidence?
If people are interested in your blog, they will read it. If not, they won’t. Most people will decide within 7 seconds from your title whether they will read it or not. Don’t let it stop you getting your message, knowledge and inspiration across to the people who need it. If you are not marmite to some people you are not being your true authentic self.
We all hold energetic blocks from being negatively judged. Those from childhood are often the most damaging. If past experiences or the fear of criticism and ridicule are blocking you from truly expressing yourself, seek help from a good therapist or learn a technique such as EFT to help you move forward from the fear. It will help in so many other areas of your life too.
4 Procrastination
Procrastination is a universal behaviour common to us all. There is usually an anxiety underlying the behaviour. We may doubt our skills or have unrealistic expectations of perfection. We may have a fear of failure or success which brings with it increased expectations of responsibility and workload.
Where does your resistance or anxiety lie regarding writing your blog or article? If you take the time to really think about that question, the answer may surprise you. You may be able to identify other areas in your life where that particular resistance or anxiety is holding you back.
There is always something else to do. It’s a question of priority and how important your particular need is to write that blog or article right now. How important is it to you and your business to get your knowledge and expertise out there, visible to the world?
For me personally, it has helped me tremendously to get over my unconscious resistance to writing articles using EFT. This article has been surprising easy to write once I started tapping. If I can do it, you can do it too. If the timing is right for you, just trust in yourself and make a start. It’s not as hard as you may think.
Carol Crowther