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EFT can dramatically improve the quality of your life by helping with any

problem that has an emotional component including:-



•Fears and phobias

•Stress, anxiety and panic attacks


•Illness and serious diseases

•Chronic pain and recurring conditions such as migraine

•Recovery from trauma and post traumatic stress

•Recovery from physical, sexual or emotional abuse

•Relationship difficulties and recovery from a breakup.

•Coping with loss and bereavement

•Weight loss

•School related stress and examination anxiety


•Giving up smoking & alcohol

•Self harm

•Negative belief patterns

•Bringing happiness and abundance into our life



If you have a chronic health problem or persistent pain that is just being kept under control by conventional treatment, but is not being resolved, there may well be underlying emotional issues that need addressing. These may not always be immediately obvious but by skilful tapping and focusing the underlying issues can often be identified.


In the case of auto immune diseases such as arthritis, why is it that when our bodies are programmed to heal ourselves, our bodies are actually turning in and attacking ourselves? Unresolved and unexpressed anger, frustration, hurt, rejection, guilt and grief can cause damage to our physical body. It is amazing how many people who suffer from arthritis have had a very controlled upbringing, or how many women suffering from breast cancer have had some sort of significant loss in their life up to 5 years before the onset of disease.


By tuning in, identifying, focusing, and taking the charge or hurt out of negative emotions using EFT we can substantially improve our emotional and physical well-being.


Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is a relatively new form of healing practise that has been developing since the 1990s. EFT is a very effective healing treatment that involves tapping on various energy meridian or acupuncture points around the body, whilst focusing on the client’s particular physical or emotional problems.

It has often been described as acupuncture but without the needles.


Negative emotions, stress and trauma are linked to disruptions in the body’s energy system which often manifest in the form of physical pain, illness, fears, phobias and anxiety. Our mind and the state of our emotions have a profound effect on our wellbeing and our physical state. It has been claimed that as much as 85% of all illness is due to unresolved emotional issues often originating from childhood.


The energy system that flows around our body via meridians has been well documented by eastern medicine for the last 5000 years. Even Albert Einstein told us in the 1920’s that everything is composed of energy and that includes our bodies. However these principles are on the whole overlooked by conventional western medicine.


EFT works directly on the energy system, releasing and relieving a wide variety of conditions and it often works when nothing else will.


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Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT

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